Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wk 2 Comment Blog: Christina


You yoga reference brought a smile to my face. I did yoga for a little while before I realized it was not relaxing, rather it had the opposite effect on me. I tried so hard to do the poses right that I would get all tense and forget to breathe. Plus it was too quiet. I much preferred the elliptical machine and my iPod for zoning out and collecting my thoughts.

But I digress…

I agree with your statement about how grades are only a measure for comparing students to one another. But it also becomes their reward for doing a job well done. In my experience in high school, they are so conditioned to do work and received the grade and subsequently praise from teachers, peers, and parents. For some this is all the attention they get from others. For many of them, if you took the grade away, they wouldn’t do the work.

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