Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wk 2: Comment 2: Bruce


I love the way you start out our post.

When I started reading this book, I found it hard to read and comprehend. The first two chapters read like a bunch of Fortune cookie fortunes all written together in a book. There were some profound statements, but as a whole I wasn’t getting it the big picture.

I had my doubts while reading chapter 3.

It wasn’t really until the 4th chapter when the books purpose hit me, like a 2X4 in the head. Then the big picture of what the Zander’s wanted people to get began to shine through… The whole idea of playing the 2 games (succeed/failure and contribution) was a great metaphor that sums up my life, but a great solution for those who are perpetually on the success/failure track. I do wonder though, how does one cope with the notion that had not done anything to contribute that day?

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