Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wk 3: Wimba Blog Post

Thank you for the more detailed explanation of the abstract and the upcoming presentation. I think I am not going to be able to sharing during the Wimba sessions. I am babysitting my roommates kids (in addition to my own) and if it is like last night there is no way I will be able to get online. 4 kids under 6 is a lot of work! So I will post the URl to the google doc and recruit 2-3 classmates to comment on my presentation. If the night goes well and I can get on, I'd love to contribute, but because of uncertainties, I will go the alternate route.

Are there any suggestions for where to start looking for places to submit our presentation ideas for Month 12?

Is there a certain way the speaker notes need to be written if we decide to do a prezi?

When you mentioned Google Docs for the presentation, did you mean create the slide presentation in the google doc as an easier way to get a URL?

I figure to round out this week's Wimba blog, I'd comment to the questions you posted about the textbook.

How is the Art of Possibility different the Power of Positive Thinking/Oprah:

It is different in that it does not depend of “fate” to take you positive thoughts and make them reality, but rather it is a book to get you thinking about things in a different perspective and that can open doors and that feeling that there are always possibilities is freeing in itself.

My roommate is a big “Power of positive thinking” thinker, she won’t let me say negative thoughts around her. I always find this dumb because in the end, it isn’t because she “throws the positive thoughts out there” but rather the hard work she does to achieve things. Of course in life, even with hard you may still not get the outcomes you want. The flaw I find in that is that by always thinking positive and ignoring the negative possibilities, it is that much more depressing when whatever you were hoping for does not happen.The Art of Possibility doesn’t ignore the fact that roadblocks will happen, but it helps you get through them in a positive manner.

Which chapters meant the most to you and why:

Being a contribution…others chapter after that were equally motivating, but this one really got me into the book. The Rule No. 6 was an equally stand out chapter, because it addresses those negative attitudes.

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