Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wk 3: Comment Post: Sheri

“I am also in an environment focused on downward spiral thinking. Everyone around me discusses pay cuts, benefit cuts, issues with students, etc. It is very difficult not to fall into this trap. With the beginning of the school year looming, I have decided that I do not want to participate in this type of thinking.”

I know exactly what you mean, for being the person is in charge of motivating hundreds of students, teachers are some of the most negative people in the world when talking to each other. I knew teachers that I dreaded being around because that was all they would talk about…work and how bad things were. And though education is not in a great place right now and I may share some of the same opinions, this is not what I want to talk about ALL THE TIME! At one point in my teaching career I ate lunch in my classroom everyday because I didn’t want to get sucked into the complaining.

“I made a Rule No. 6 sign to hang in my classroom. Yesterday, I told my students the story about the two prime ministers and Rule No. 6. We proceeded to have a discussion on the benefits of Rule No. 6 in reference to creativity. Many students are nervous to take an art class. Past students told me they worry about their own artistic talent to the extent that they think they will not pass. I told students that I did not want them to worry about making mistakes since that is where you learn the most.”

I also loved this part in the book, the rule is so true! It is great that your are bringing into your classroom and using it to help them get over themselves and their fear in art. I ran into the same issue in Drama. At the beginning of the school year I had the intro drama students do Animal Totem dances, where they had to pick and animal and create an improved dance mimicking that animal. It was born as a way to get over stage fright. It is the most embarrassing thing they do all year, because yes…they all look stupid doing it…and I videotape it for extra stress…I tell them nothing will be as bad as this. I think I would change the name of this activity to the Rule No. 6 Dance…because the idea is still the same, get over yourself, who cares if you look stupid, everyone will look stupid, it is all meant in fun.

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