Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wk4: Classmate Response: Barbara

Wimba's have become frustrating for me because for some reason, even though my signal seems to be strong, the connection flutters and I hear every other word. This past week, I stayed on anyway, because I felt that half was better than nothing. I watch the archive as a back up, but there is nothing like the live session for getting in touch with the vibe of the course, professor and my peers.
This week was particularly important because we spoke about the abstract and final presentation for our AR project. I get intimidated when I have to write formally, and the more I know the better I feel. The abstract will be easy I think. But, I am scratching my head about the final presentation and the publishing! OMG, is it that time already? As I remarked in a prior post, I heard myself saying, "Oh no! I don't want to be published!"
I was kind of taken by surprise at the fear about this since I've knew about it from the beginning of the program, and have been working all along with publishing in mind - why all of a sudden do I feel like backing out? No reason, other than it's real now, and I am worried that I have not done enough, or well enough, yadda, yadda. So, this downward spiral thinking goes.
But, I see the genius in having us read Zanders now. I am sure we area ll going through similar thoughts and feelings and Zanders is so up beat, positive and so generous.

Thank you Full Sail for working this way to calm us down and feel confident into the course requirements. In fact, I have found the program tone exceptional in that regard. I value creativity and I have found another layer of my voice in this program because creativity is cherished here. Brava for EMDT, FullSail, and for all my peers! Brava!!!

I know what you mean. I am not looking to get published but I was very interested in doing workshops after finishing this program. Yet, when this assignment came up I was at a loss. I had no idea where to start. I stared at a blank Keynote presentation for 10 minutes just think " I don't know how to present to real professionals. I have only ever presented to teenagers" I had lost faith in my ideas and myself. It was silly really because I know I have great ideas, but after years of my ideas being shut down by my administration and made to feel less than professional, I realized how little confidence I had in myself to go out and really present my ideas to educational professionals.

After staring blankly for 10 minutes, I called a friend of mine up who has done tons of workshop presentations to professionals and he gave me some suggestions. Now, those suggestions didn't really pertain to what I had to present but it at least got my brain going. So I opened a word doc. and just started typing, freestyle, what I wanted other teachers to know. I began reflecting back on workshops I had attended at conventions and thought about what I liked and didn't like in a workshop. That is how I came up with what I have to share this week.

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